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Dec 20, 2018


Cat Rabbit is a textile artist and designer based in Melbourne. In this episode, we talk about her stop motion collaborations with artist Isobel Knowles, leaning into what you love, and how research can actually hinder your creative process at times. You can follow Cat on Instagram and Twitter (@cat_rabbit).



Nov 26, 2018

Sunna Wehrmeijer is an Emmy-nominated composer based in Los Angeles. Her music credits include Prometheus, Nightcrawler, The Hunger Games and most recently Netflix's She-Ra and the Princess of Power. In this episode, Sunna talks about creating She-Ra's transformation theme, mixing synths with live instruments, and...

Nov 11, 2018


Lindsey Phillips is a documentarian based in New York. I first came across her work this past year at Fantastic Fest and fell in love with her short documentary My Name is Marc. Her 13-minute documentary profiles the legendary owner of Cleveland's Norton Furniture and his wacky and often infamous commercials. In this...

Oct 25, 2018

Jessica Leski is the director of I Used to Be Normal, a documentary following four women who are obsessed with their boyband of choice. I Used to Be Normal was my number one film at Fantastic Fest. Leski and her producer Rita Walsh take you deep into the world of boyband fandom, and they don't stop there!...

Oct 9, 2018

Anna Hrachovec is the creator of Mochimochiland, a miniature knitted world full of cuteness. Not only does Anna knit beautiful miniatures, she also brings them to life through animated gifts. Anna's innovation with the craft has led to some major collaborations, including Nickelodeon and Penguin Random House. In this...